
Shed changes and new trailer

The door project is complete

A huge “Thank you” to Greg and Owen who did most of the work. A big “thank you” also must go to Andrew VK5VKC, for driving the forklift to the Reidy Park Centre from the yard on Penola Road and back and to Coates Hire for lending the forklift to us free of charge.

A big “Thank you” also to Nick VK5NJS, for welding in the new sections of the door guide and to Jack VK5EBA, Leith VK5FLAR, Maxwell VK5AC and John VK5JOB, for assisting when required.

Installation of the roller door
Final touches on the door
Wow, the trailer fitted with 100mm of height to spare, no tyres deflated and no change to the towing hitch etc. Great effort fellas.

Beacons are back

VK5RSE repeater and beacons
Click on photo to see high definition photograph

On Sunday 17th November Maxwell VK5AC and John VK5DJ restored the beacons to their home at Mt Graham.

Maxwell had conducted considerable work on the beacons. This involved preventing some instability on 1296.550 MHz and a failed amplifier module on 432.55MHz. The fans had also seized. The DTMF control was checked.

At the site Maxwell installed an adapter that allowed audio to be extracted from the 146.2MHz receiver and conveyed to the DTMF chip in the beacon box.

Some re-arrangement of the boxes was also made while on site. The repeater and link system is now on top and the beacons below. This permits easier access to all the equipment.

From the top:
Link System on 430.475 with antenna to The Bluff (VK5RMG). Link system on 440.025 with antenna to Mt Benson (VK5RKN)
Repeater 146.2 in/146.8 out. this repeater is running on temporary antennas at present but providing reasonable coverage.
Controller for Beacons on 144.550, 432.550 and 1296.550MHz
Amplifier stages for beacons

Note 1296MHz is currently off due to antenna failure.

Hill Climb a great success

Wow, just wow, another great Legend of the Lakes has been done.
This year saw the largest group of SERG volunteers ever, step up to assist with planning, building, setting up and packing up. As your President, I’m so proud of what can be achieved by so few. Those who were able to assist, can hold your heads high, knowing that you have contributed to making this Hillclimb one of the best of its type in Australia.

Our recently refurbished TV hut performed faultlessly and made life much easier for everyone. Apart for some damage to our camera cables by some wildlife, everything ran like a dream.

Pack up was completed by midday Monday, just leaving the TV hut to be shipped back to the clubrooms.

A debrief is planned soon, with the date to be advised.
Huge thanks to all,
Peter VK5BE
Kate VK5FKLY at the controls of the new TV hut.

Camera hut progresses


As most of you will never see this I thought that I might give you a glimpse.
A number of members have put a great deal of work into this project, particularly Peter, VK5BE and Nick, VK5NJS.

The cable shelving, (built by Greg, VK5ZGY), at the rear on the left hand wall. The steel cabinets for sundry items. The air conditioner will be removed as it is too big. The hooks for sundry items on the back wall made by Nick, VK5NJS.

The operating desk made by Owen, VK5HOS, and Andrew, VK5MAS. (Note the clever recessing of the console to allow the operators wrist and hand to remain on the desk).

There is still a lot to do but we appear to be well on track for its first outing at the Legend of The Lakes Hillclimb in November.

President Peter

Wire antennas

The site is a must have when you want to build a wire antenna. It takes into account all the factors that affect the lengths of the wire for many common wire antennas e.g. height of each attachment point, soil type, diameter of wire and its insulation, feed point, distance from end poles and much more. It is all in metric so no need to convert to feet and inches. Very impressive.

Types covered include normal or linked dipoles, off centre fed, end fed, vertical, delta loop, half square, Moxon and a general section.

It’s well worth a look. I’ve put a permanent link to the site in the Links page too as posts gradually disappear into the archives.

Working bee 17 September

On Tuesday, Sept 17th, another successful working bee at The Bluff.
Jack VK5EBA and Tom VK5NFT completed the replacement of the faulty “whirly-bird” ventilator on the hut roof.
Owen VK5HOS and his friend Kevin, completed the installation of a new door restraint that ensures the hut door doesn’t slam shut in the wind when we are on site.
Nick VK5NJS and Peter VK5BE completed the conduit and cabling from the solar panels to the power rack. This was turned on briefly and all seemed to work well, but still requires the set-up configuration to be completed.
(Photos by Peter VK5BE)
Kevin and Owen working on the door
Jack and Tom working on the whirly thingee
Nick working on the power conduit from the solar cells

Bevan VK5TV (SK)

Some final adjustments to the gear

Sad news, we have been advised by Bevan’s son Wayne, that Bevan had a serious heart attack last Sunday 1/9/24. He passed a couple of days ago.

The club has lost one of its great friends. His cheery voice, his trumpet announcing his arrival for the convention will be fondly remembered as was his determination to win a foxhunt with a minimum of equipment.

Bevan’s Funeral will be held on Monday 23/9/2024. It will be available by live stream from 12:45PM.  Here is the link.

If anyone wishes to attend in person it will be held at Partridge House, 38 Partridge St, Glenelg.

President Peter

Bevan in action at Valley Lake
Technical difficulties!

Solar panels

Solar panels up, Nick and Peter have been busy. Here’s the solar array up on the stand. Next comes the wiring and the installation of the solar controller.

Nick locking up the new home for VK5RMG. New 1000W solar panel array in position. Photo: Peter VK5BE

Drainage working bee -The Bluff

Jack VK5EBA and Tom VK5NFT spent a busy afternoon on Sunday 19/8/24 ensuring the drainage worked well at the new site on The Bluff. Thanks fellas. Pity VK5DJ gave them the wrong key – it’s hard to get good help!

Overview showing new drainage
Jack VK5EBA clearing the drain area and noting Owen’s good work with the weed killer.
Photos: courtesy Tom VK5NFT

Working bee Tuesday 30-7-24

Working Bee #2  – Tuesday July 30th

Attended by :- Norbert VK5MQ, Peter VK5BE, Owen VK5HOS

Tasks completed

In conjunction with staff from CSE CrossComm, conducted further investigation into the intermittent interference that has been plaguing our 2m repeater for some time.

Assisted staff from CSE CrossComm to recover our antennas from the Hutchesson tower. Firstly, the newly acquired stacked pair of folded dipoles were recovered for relocating to Mount Graham, then the small UHF link yagi to Naracoorte was recovered, and lastly the temporary single 2m folded dipole was also recovered. All of their respective coaxial cables were also recovered.

NOTE – the linking to Naracoorte and Willalooka will be out of service until further notice.

Following the removal of the excess vegetation within the Lime FM compound at the previous working bee, Owen has sprayed the remaining areas to kill off any remaining vegetation.