The 2019 Convention WAS HELD on the Queen’s Birthday weekend.
The venue was the same as last year.
The 1st Mount Gambier Scout Group Hall at 5 Margaret Street, Mount Gambier.
The convention activities began on the 8th of June and concluded on Sunday 9th June 2019 with the conference dinner.
The Guest speaker will be Steve, VK5SFA, who will give us a talk on the design and build of his A.R.R.L. Award winning Magnetic Loop Antenna.
Book your accommodation as soon as possible as this is a busy weekend in Mount Gambier due to other events.
Yes. It’s all happening.
Please email your individual and team entries to Andrew McKinnis at
Here is a copy of the program in PDF format for you to print out.
The dinner is on again.
To be held at, (Approx.) 6.30 p.m. on Sunday Evening, following the prize giving ceremony, we have again held the cost to $25.00 per head.
The main meal will be a choice between Irish Stew or a mild curry.
We are planning on having a soup and the desert will probably be Apple Pie.
If you have special diet requirements please let us know at the time of booking.
We would greatly appreciate getting the names and call signs, if any, of all in your party or team at the time of booking please.
Bookings to:
PLEASE NOTE: We will not accept Bank transfers made after midnight on Wednesday 5th. June 2019.
We are now taking bookings for Trader tables at a cost of $10.00 per table.
Bookings to:
BANK: Bendigo Bank
BANK ACCOUNT NAME: South East Radio Group Incorporated.
BSB; 633000
Any deposit MUST have your call sign or name in the reference section and a reference. (eg: VK5XYZ Dinner or VK5ZYZ FOX HUNTS)
Please also note that:
It would also be good if you could email me at to let me know that you have paid online.
Come and join us for the 55th Convention, we plan some surprises.
Convention Committee: Andrew VK5KET, Andrew VK5VKC, Tim VK5AV, Peter VK5BE and Col VK5HCF
CONVENTION 2019 GENERAL PROGRAM as of 28/04/2019
Contacts – VK5SR on 146.900,
Draft Program
Home Brew Competition
Home brew items
can be entered and displayed at the convention anytime on Saturday and Sunday.
Judging of the Home Brew will commence at 14:00 on Sunday. The judges consider
creativity, workmanship, documentation, whether a beginner or highly
experienced and sometimes because it tickles our fancy. So pretty well anything
we think is noteworthy or fun. Because the judges’ decisions are final and we
have lots of prizes, few miss out on a gift (except the judges). Have a go, you
never know!
Entry fee is included with Hall Entry
Trophy Presentation at the hall after 17:30 on Sunday 9th June 2019.
Special Guest Presenter
Steve Adler, VK5SFA.
Steve will talk us through the design and
construction of his A.R.R.L. Award Winning 160 metre Magnetic Loop Antenna.
Australian Fox Hunting Championships.
Cost $30.00 per team for the weekend, covers all events. Pre-registering teams and competitors will greatly reduce paperwork at the start of the event.
Saturday 8th June 2019
Event 1: 10:00 – 11:30 Sniffer Hunt on 2 metres – The frequencies that we may use are 144.000, 144.250, 144.500, 144.750, 145.000, 145.250, 145.300, 145.500, 145.700, 145.750. The number of transmitters that will be used will be advised before the event commences. Also they will not be setup in any specific frequency order but randomly.
At 09:30 we will all meet at the car park near the barbeque area in the bottom of the Valley Lake – Sniffers to be setup in and around Valley Lake.
Event 2 14:30 – 16:30 Multi Transmitter 2m on TBA FM
Start Location: 37° 57.2573’ S, 140° 51.633 E In the Quarry south side of Sea Coast Hill Rd just near Hell’s Hole
This event is based on an ARDF foot event. 4 Transmitters on the same frequency will transmit 30sec on, 90sec off each in sequence so that only one transmitter is on at a time. Each transmitter will be uniquely identified by a morse code ident. Competitors will be released one at a time at 2min intervals, to prevent follow the leader and start congestion. Competitors waiting to depart will not be allowed to enter their vehicles until 15sec prior to their departure time. Time of departure will be recorded as will the time of arrival at the designated finish line. All competitors will be required to complete an information card to prove they have found each of the 4 transmitters. Other tokens may also be employed. The transmitters can be found in any order. Competitors will be required to carry a GPS logger on their vehicles. Competitors are required to restrict themselves to 100km/hr.
Competitor achieving identical times will be scored equal.
Event 3: 1930 The Wayne Kilpatrick Memorial Night “Multi-Leg” Fox Hunt
Start Location: SP3 Saleyards as usual.
1st Leg 2m on TBA, 2nd Leg 70cm on TBA 3rd Leg 2m on TBA
4th Leg 6m on TBA 5th Leg 10m on TBA USB
Again this year each leg must be hunted in the above order for this event, controllers are contactable on Ch.6 repeater (146.900) at all times.
It is essential that any team that withdraws from this event after its start MUST advise SERG (VK5SR) via Ch 6 repeater (146.900) to avoid an emergency services callout. This is important as search costs may be significant. Loss of points for Sunday events is being considered for failure to notify. This is for your safety. This year the start may be a staggered start with electronic scoring in use this is now a manageable possibility.
SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2019
Event 4: 0900 – 10:00 Sniffer Hunt on 2 metres.
See Event 1 for details of frequencies
Start Location: SP6
Event 5: 1015 – 1200 Triple Leg 70cm/2m/70cm Fox Hunt.
Start Location: Event 4 will be the start location for this event.
1st. Leg TBA 439.000 MHz.
2nd. Leg TBA 146.525 MHz
3rd. Leg . TBA 439.025 MHz
Note: A staggered start may be used for this total hunt time for every competitor will be 1hr 45min if this is done.
Event 6: 1300 – 1445 Triple Leg 3 Band Fox Hunt
Start Location: SP2
1st Leg 2m. Fox Hunt. 146.525 MHz
2nd Leg 6m Fox Hunt 52.100 MHz FM
3rd Leg 80m Fox Hunt. 3.585 MHz LSB
Note: A staggered start may be used for this total hunt time for every competitor will be 1hr 45min if this is done.
Event 7 : 1530 – 1615 1.2 GHz. Fox Hunt on 1296.000 MHZ
Start Location: SP5
Note: A staggered start may be used for this total hunt time for every competitor will be 45min if this is done.
Starting Points for Fox Hunts – These are some of the locations that will be attached to events when all is completely finalized.
SP1 = 37.849013s 140.765019e (Grassed Area South of the Lakes on Bay Road as per previous years)
SP2 = 37.805860s 140.729397e (Grassed Area at ‘5’ Corners on the Millicent Road as per previous years)
SP3 = 37.858719s 140.881051e (Saleyards, Princess Hwy, Glenburnie as per previous years)
SP4 = 37.842925s 140.775214e (Carpark at Lakes)
SP5 = 37.844792S, 140.770469E (First Carpark after the roundabout before going into the Valley Lakes)
SP6= 37.841054S, 140.776664E (Carpark off Keegan Drive, cnr Riddoch Hwy & Keegan Drive)
Please note
this program will be updated at least 1 week out from the Convention, advising
fox hunters of the starting locations for all events.
1700 – 1830 – Short Talk and Trophy Presentation
Once again there will be a couple of presentations followed by the Trophy Presentations. These will be held at the Convention venue the Scout Hall in Margaret Street. There will also be s short talk during dinner between courses.
1830 (approx) – Dinner at Convention 1st Mount Gambier Scout Hall Margaret Street. Immediately following the presentations there will be a dinner, price $25.00 per person, for those who wish to celebrate and brag or commiserate and cry with food and drink.
Booking in advance is required. Please contact the club at for bookings.