Remote station now available

The remote station (Yaesu FT991a) has been installed at the clubrooms and has 80M and 40M antennas active. It also has a dual band vertical antenna for 2M and 70cm. It is working well through the 2M repeater and also works on C4FM which will be a boon for those without a Yaesu C4FM radio.

Do not change to any other band as this could result in damage to the transmitter if you accidentally transmit.

Thanks to David VK5DG for installing the software into the Raspberry Pi Version 3B.

To access the station you only need your browser e.g. Firefox, Chrome or Edge  on your computer with a microphone and speaker (or headset). You can also use your phone. I chose this browser based operation so users did not have to install software.

In use, you access the radio by going to the website

The password will be provided at a club meeting, or by sending VK5DJ an email.

Here are the instructions on getting it working.  Copy the following URL into your browser.

Do not exceed 50% compression and ensure you set the power output to meet your licence conditions.

Questions to John VK5DJ

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