The Day was cloudy and cool but that did not deter the 20 plus hardy souls who attended our Annual Christmas BBQ.
Held at the home of Life Member Greg, VK5ZGY and wife Gabi we were pampered with an undercover paved area well sheltered from any weather. A very BIG “Thank you” Greg N Gabi.
Ample BBQ facilities made cooking easy and all present enjoyed an excellent afternoon of social interaction.
Tom, VK5TA, (VK5EE), bought along his newest power supply. (A switch mode unit which, when slightly modified can deliver 13.8 volts at 60 + Amps), and a very need foldable 60 Watt Solar Panel complete with regulator, stand and all necessary connections.
Chris, VK5MC, bought along a 1989 Edition of the Clubs Magazine which proved to be very interesting and nostalgic.