Two hard working people today.
- Ross VK3KBO has put up a temporary link antenna at Naracoorte and the link has been turned on. Things need to be working well again. Well done Ross – a high gain home brew 10 element beam is doing the job very nicely. Great to have the whole network back on again
- Peter VK5BE has been busy too. He grabbed one of our spare cavities from the clubrooms and tuned it up as a band pass filter using his tracking generator/spectrum analyser. The idea being to cut out harmonics from the 146.9MHz transmitter on the basis that maybe the mixing products we have been experiencing are related to a harmonic mix. The first harmonic at 293.8MHz is now filtered out by at least 40db and higher harmonics even further down. Peter installed it at The Bluff today (8/4/21) and so far so good, no noise. Have we spoken too soon! Thank you Robin for being the testing station from the Mt Gambier end. We’ve lost a little output power but if that means no noise I think we can tolerate that.
Update: Spoke too soon. Still having noise problems, maybe, just maybe, not as bad. Seems OK on weekends but weekdays are a different matter.

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