Just a brief update following activities at The Bluff today. Colin VK5DK, Owen VK5HOS and myself (VK5BE) attended.
Owen VK5HOS has a brilliant plan on how to repair the big hole in the floor of the hut. He will manage this issue through to its completion, hopefully by the end of next week.
The pole mounted temporary VHF array has been removed from the site and returned to my QTH until required for the Heywood project.
In its place, a RFI YB9 yagi (450-470MHz) has been installed on the vacated pole, horizontally polarised, and facing the Clubrooms in preparation for linking the Heywood repeater to The Bluff. The yagi SWR was measured at 1.13 to 1 at 449.875MHz. We figured this was acceptable.
Initial tests show excellent solid signals are being received in Mount Gambier.
Tomorrow we plan plan to erect another yagi at the Clubrooms to link the 2 sites.