Bluff repeater now ready for Portland

On Sunday 5 July 2020 The Bluff repeater was upgraded with an improved power distribution system and the link to Mt Eckersley near Heywood was installed.

The working bee was attended by Norbert VK5MQ (the new power distribution system), Peter VK5BE (temporary antenna and spanner operator) and John VK5DJ (installation of the new link system).

A temporary antenna on 449.875MHz was installed on a fence post but it is anticipated that the yagi will be installed in a week or two about half way up the Gambier Electronics tower. Testing through 449.875MHz simplex is invited. If you operate on the simplex frequency you’ll be heard on the 2M repeater, Mt Benson, Naracoorte and Willalooka. You’ll be able to hear the action come back on 449.875MHz.

A big thanks to Brian VK5VI who did the TAIT chassis build and preparation of the transmitters and his help with the design of the sub controller.

The Mt Eckersley end is held up by weather and general conditions at the Heywood end. The hill is quite steep and wet so work is restricted to preparing the hut. Spring will bring better weather and drier hillside for the move to the top of the hill, construction of a fence and installation of the tower.

From top: UHF cavities for the three links, next the links to Mt Eckersley and Mt Benson with the sub controller in between, below this is the main controller and Naracoorte links, then the PRF1520 2M repeater and finally the 6 cavities for the repeater.

The second cabinet has the new power distribution system at the top and the battery at the bottom. The 70cm repeater is temporarily moved to the VK5DJ shack for new wiring and controller.

President Peter VK5BE and Norbert VK5MQ relax after a hard day’s working bee.
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