Naracoorte repeater fix

The repeater problem has been tracked down. Would never have found it on site. We won’t mention how many hours this has taken.

Solution – the audio input transformer had been burnt out. Originally I thought it had just failed but on replacing the transformer the next one also died. The problem was a blob of solder on the socket for the exciter that was shorting the +12V supply to a bridge connection for the input of the audio. Unfortunately it was intermittent. After putting a third transformer in (supplies getting thin) and resoldering the joint to get rid of the surplus solder there was no longer 12V finding its way onto the audio transformer and burning it out

I have rechecked all levels and adjusted powers on the units. The repeater was re-installed on Tuesday 16 July 2019. Audio working fine.

Defunct transformers shown on top of the exciter. The wire is VERY light gauge
The problem socket. +13V red connector above and immediately below the centre tap of the transformer
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